EF20 - v1.1

Eurofurence 20
Crime Scene Berlin

Day Fri - Con Day 3 - 2014-08-22
Room Dealers' Den — Convention Hall Foyer 3
Start time 12:00
Duration 06:00
ID 398
Event type Other
Track Dealers' Den
Language used for presentation English

Dealers' Den

We are proud to open the doors again this year at a very new location, in a new room, with more artists and dealers – both known faces and new members – presenting their art and merchandise to you. We hope you'll enjoy strolling around the tables and browsing through the great artwork, sketches, prints and all the other fine goods. Sponsors and Supersponsors again will have an extra our for their own before everyone else is let loose

We are proud to open the doors again this year at a very new location, in a new room, with more artists and dealers – both known faces and new members – presenting their art and merchandise to you. We hope you'll enjoy strolling around the tables and browsing through the great artwork, sketches, prints and all the other fine goods. Sponsors and Supersponsors again will have an extra our for their own before everyone else is let loose